At Benefit Analyst, we offer superior administration benefit programs.


Our clients are encouraged to outsource COBRA Administration through Third-Party Administrators or Human Capital Management Firms. We assist clients by obtaining proposals and evaluating the best firm for them to use.

Flexible Spending Accounts

A win-win savings solution for both employers and their employees. These plans are administered by a Third-Party Administrator. We work with employees during onboarding, and open enrollment to educate them and determine how much they may wish to contribute to save on out of pocket medical and other approved expenses.

HSA/HRA Accounts

These accounts are tied to the employer health plan. If the employer chooses to offer a High Deductible Plan we work with employees during onboarding and open enrollment to educate them into making the proper decision for their personal situation.

Section 125 Plans

Administered by a Third-Party Administrator or Human Capital Management Firm. We work with employees during onboarding and open enrollment to educate them on the benefits that can be pre-taxed and illustrate the savings.

401(k), 403b, 457 Plans*

These retirement plans based upon your organization tax status are administered by our associates at Wealth Solutions LLC.
*Administered by Wealth Solutions LLC

Human Capital Management

The comprehensive set of practices for recruiting, managing, developing, and optimizing resources of an organization. Our firm assists clients in determining if they should consider engaging an HCM firm. Should the client wish to proceed we consult during the evaluation process and assist in the selection of the firm that best suits our clients needs.


Ready to Talk?

We’re ready to assist you and your company with your benefits needs.

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